Amma Culture is a 30-year dream deferred of Anecia Johnson, a Chico native and lifelong resident who graduated from CSU, Chico in 1987 with a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business

Our Dream:

Along with providing an African-focused center of learning and healing for the individual and for the entire community, through music, dance, traditions, and spirituality, Amma Culture’s atmosphere of inclusion seeks to mitigate ignorance and the resulting hostility that, too often, arises against various ethnic minorities and to preserve the culture, history, and traditional values of African Americans and African descendants throughout the Diaspora.

Our mission is to address systemic racism and be a resource for healing Generational Slave Trauma, the roots of much of our society’s challenges. Recognizing the importance of beginning in early education and home teaching, we seek to be a resource for families, educators, businesses, and organizations to be more functional and inclusive in our diverse community.

Anecia at a booth.jpg